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Remo Rebranded: La plataforma virtual que humaniza las experiencias en línea

Logotipo Remo
Personal de Remo



26 de enero de 2024

¡Tenemos una noticia emocionante que anunciar!

Since or initial launch in 2018, we have stayed true to our mission. To give everyone the ability to humanize online engagements using our virtual platform! To this day, we strive to help users connect their events virtually without compromising the human dimension. For the longest time, our favorite color was pink... But we felt it’s time for a change! We have decided to take on a new look! Our navy, white, and orange color scheme brings a sleek and smooth feel with our "O" of "REMO" symbolizing a person with their arms raised up high! New colors, new shape, new logo... the same features, same ease, same feeling you get from the Remo you know and love! We are is the virtual platform for anyone looking for a more realistic virtual event and this new rebrand embodies just that!

Our virtual platform encapsulates the same feeling of attending a networking event, classroom, innovative workshop, or company reunion, while bringing it right to your laptop. We love our new look, and we are so excited to see what the future brings us in 2021 and beyond. The new era of Remo is finally here. We hope you are just as excited as we are! Check us out on our new website and tell us what you think on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram!

Interested in learning more? Sign up for a guided tour, and familiarize yourself with our stunning platform! Want to unlock your virtual event's potential? Start a Free Plan with Remo today!



Aumente la participación y el rendimiento de su evento

Descubra cómo Remo puede aumentar la asistencia, la participación y el valor de su evento

  • 3,2 veces la participación de los asistentes

  • Auténtico trabajo en red en las salas de descanso

  • Presentaciones interactivas y envolventes

  • Espacios para eventos totalmente personalizados

    Demostración de libro
    Un plano de Remo que fomenta el compromiso y el retorno de la inversión

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